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Talent Intelligence

The most successful companies today know how to use their most precious asset, their people, as a differentiator.

They not only make the right decisions, they move at lightning speed using actionable intelligence about their business and their people. 

We call this talent intelligence.

What is talent intelligence?

How can it help organisations?

How does Sheffield Haworth support organisations?

Our Approach

The companies that are positioned to outperform – today, tomorrow, and beyond – are the companies whose leaders not only practise talent intelligence but also optimize it by putting in place the systems, protocols and leadership that allow them to leverage it to the fullest. 

They use talent intelligence, intelligently.

Sample of successful initiatives

People Analytics Strategy and Execution

DEI and ESG Strategies and Profiling

Headcount and Client Segmentation Analysis

Assessment of Business / Product / Service Opportunities

Real-Time Labor Market Data Analysis By Product and Region

Customized Talent Blueprints and Benchmarking

Real Time Forensic Talent Insights

Due Diligence On New Growth Markets Or Product Entries

Boomerang Employee Analysis

Compensation Analytics and Benchmarking

Talent Thought Leadership

Expert Witness Introductions

Organizational Talent Advisory

Employee Engagement and Competitor Overviews

Talent Acquisition and Retention Overviews

Bespoke Compensation Analysis and Design

Case Studies

Strengthening employer brand through diverse talent pipelines

A leading investment bank needed to make significant improvements in their diversity, equity, and inclusion pipelines, specifically in the business units of fixed income trading and sales and equity trading and sales.

Competitor Intelligence

We were asked for detailed information competitor intelligence for approx. 20 top performing global competitors in two specific areas: How are the firms organized and structured? How competitors are adopting and deploying new technologies.

Compensation Benchmarking

Our client was a second-tier regional investment bank that was concerned about its compensation metrics and whether they were in line with current market pricing.  They had recently lost several people at the VP and director level and wanted to ensure that their remuneration policies were competitive.

Thought Leadership

If it is true that organizations are only as good as the people in them then the way through this uncertain moment is building superior talent-intelligence